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Welcome to the SHIFT Onboard

Helping new bus operators get off to a healthy and successful start!

What is SHIFT Onboard?

SHIFT stands for "Success and Health Impacts For new bus operators during Onboarding." It is enhanced training and support for new bus operators during their first year on the job. The program involves group activities and discussion during operators’ initial training period, followed by collaborative and supportive online challenges. Online challenges include setting health and job success goals, and tracking goal progress and job satisfaction, and completing short training topics on health and job success. New operators’ supervisors also receive training on how to support newcomers’ safety, health, and well-being on the job.

SHIFT Onboard uses an engaging approach based on over a decade of research with commercial drivers. It was developed with an understanding of the work demands of bus operations with input from experienced and new operators, trainers, and transit industry leaders (union and management). The project is based at the Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences with funding from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (grant # R01 HL105495)

Watch this 2-minute video of Dr. Olson describe past research with truck drivers that informed the SHIFT Onboard.

This Website

In addition to supporting the SHIFT Onboard program, this website is meant to help ALL new bus operators find information to advance their health and success on the job. Please explore our links for valuable knowledge to help you get off to a great start as a bus operator.

